March 21, 2007

The terrace woman has a husband. I was surprised and as a result he caught me staring at him this morning.

I'm working/living on a farm in Gouldsboro (a tiny rural town a little northeast of Bar Harbor), Maine this summer. Mandala Farm, specifically. I make very, very little money, but I'll be living in a cabin on the pond, and basically get all the fruits and veggies that I want. One or two others will be working there too, and there's another farm a few miles down the road that will have a few apprentices as well. The farm breeds horses (!!!), and has goats, sheep, pigs, a cow (that I will be milking), a bajillion chickens (that I will be slaughtering...), lots of veggies, and a few acres of strawberries and blueberries. They do a CSA and three farmer's markets, plus the husband brews beer and is a carpenter and the wife makes cheese. And I get to ride the horses, and learn how to drive them, through the part of Acadia National Park that the farm backs up to. Um, yeah, I'm pretty excited. I think people are getting sick of listening to me talk about it. People also think I'm insane. I have no idea how this will relate to the rest of my life but that's not really something I'm worried about.

In conjuntion with this, Cat is flying down to Texas at the end of May and we're doing the road trip thing back up to Maine, to visit Colby for Senior Week and graduation.

AND chorale will be here in less than a week and I get to see lots of wonderful people.

All really, really great things to look forward to.

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